1 Timothy 1 глава

1 Timothy
Darby Bible Translation → Елизаветинская Библия


Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ, according to [the] command of God our Saviour, and of Christ Jesus our hope,
Па́ѵелъ, посла́нникъ ї҆и҃съ хр҇то́въ по повелѣ́нїю бг҃а сп҃са на́шегѡ и҆ гд҇а ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀ ѹ҆пова́нїѧ на́шегѡ,

to Timotheus, [my] true child in faith: grace, mercy, peace, from God our Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
тїмоѳе́ю пр҇номѹ ча́дѹ въ вѣ́рѣ: блгдть, мл҇ть, ми́ръ ѿ бг҃а ѻ҆ц҃а̀ на́шегѡ и҆ хр҇та̀ ї҆и҃са гд҇а на́шегѡ.

Even as I begged thee to remain in Ephesus, [when I was] going to Macedonia, that thou mightest enjoin some not to teach other doctrines,
ѩ҆́коже ѹ҆моли́хъ тѧ̀ пребы́ти во є҆фе́сѣ, и҆ды́й въ македо́нїю, да завѣща́еши нѣ҄кимъ не и҆́накѡ ѹ҆чи́ти,

nor to turn their minds to fables and interminable genealogies, which bring questionings rather than [further] God's dispensation, which [is] in faith.
нижѐ внима́ти ба́снемъ и҆ родосло́вїємъ безконє́чнымъ, ѩ҆̀же стѧза҄нїѧ творѧ́тъ па́че, не́жели бж҃їе строе́нїе, є҆́же въ вѣ́рѣ.

But the end of what is enjoined is love out of a pure heart and a good conscience and unfeigned faith;
Коне́цъ же завѣща́нїѧ є҆́сть любы̀ ѿ чи́ста се́рдца и҆ со́вѣсти бл҃гі́ѧ и҆ вѣ́ры нелицемѣ́рныѧ,

which [things] some having missed, have turned aside to vain discourse,
въ ни́хже нѣ́цыи погрѣши́вше, ѹ҆клони́шасѧ въ сѹеслѡ́вїѧ,

desiring to be law-teachers, not understanding either what they say or concerning what they [so] strenuously affirm.
хотѧ́ще бы́ти законоѹчи́телє, не разѹмѣ́юще ни ѩ҆̀же глаго́лютъ, ни ѡ҆ ни́хже ѹ҆твержда́ютъ.

Now we know that the law [is] good if any one uses it lawfully,
(За҄ 279.) Вѣ́мы же, ѩ҆́кѡ до́бръ зако́нъ (є҆́сть), а҆́ще кто̀ є҆го̀ зако́ннѣ твори́тъ,

knowing this, that law has not its application to a righteous person, but to [the] lawless and insubordinate, to [the] impious and sinful, to [the] unholy and profane, to smiters of fathers and smiters of mothers; to murderers,
вѣ́дый сїѐ, ѩ҆́кѡ првдникѹ зако́нъ не лежи́тъ {не положе́нъ}, но беззакѡ́ннымъ и҆ непокори҄вымъ, нечести҄вымъ (же) и҆ грѣ́шникѡмъ, непра́вєднымъ и҆ сквє́рнымъ, ѻ҆тца̀ и҆ ма́тере досади́телємъ, мѹжеѹбі́йцамъ,

fornicators, sodomites, kidnappers, liars, perjurers; and if any other thing is opposed to sound teaching,
блѹдникѡ́мъ, мѹжело́жникѡмъ, разбо́йникѡмъ, (клеветникѡ́мъ, скотоло́жникѡмъ,) лжи҄вымъ, клѧтвопрестѹ́пникѡмъ, и҆ а҆́ще что̀ и҆́но здра́вомѹ ѹ҆че́нїю проти́витсѧ,

according to the glad tidings of the glory of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.
по бл҃говѣ́стїю сла́вы бл҃же́ннагѡ бг҃а, є҆́же мнѣ̀ ѹ҆вѣ́рено бы́сть.

[And] I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me power, that he has counted me faithful, appointing to ministry him
(За҄ 280.) И҆ благодарю̀ ѹ҆крѣплѧ́ющаго мѧ̀ хр҇та̀ ї҆и҃са гд҇а на́шего, ѩ҆́кѡ вѣ́рна мѧ̀ непщева̀, положи́въ (мѧ̀) въ слѹ́жбѹ,

who before was a blasphemer and persecutor, and an insolent overbearing [man]: but mercy was shewn me because I did it ignorantly, in unbelief.
бы́вша мѧ̀ и҆ногда̀ хѹ́лника и҆ гони́телѧ и҆ досади́телѧ: но поми́лованъ бы́хъ, ѩ҆́кѡ невѣ́дый сотвори́хъ въ невѣ́рствїи:

But the grace of our Lord surpassingly over-abounded with faith and love, which [is] in Christ Jesus.
ѹ҆преѹмно́жисѧ же блгдть гд҇а на́шегѡ (ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀) съ вѣ́рою и҆ любо́вїю ѩ҆́же ѡ҆ хр҇тѣ̀ ї҆и҃сѣ.

Faithful [is] the word, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am [the] first.
(За҄.) Вѣ́рно сло́во и҆ всѧ́кагѡ прїѧ́тїѧ досто́йно, ѩ҆́кѡ хр҇то́съ ї҆и҃съ прїи́де въ мі́ръ грѣ́шники сп҇тѝ, ѿ ни́хже пе́рвый є҆́смь а҆́зъ.

But for this reason mercy was shewn me, that in me, [the] first, Jesus Christ might display the whole long-suffering, for a delineation of those about to believe on him to life eternal.
Но сегѡ̀ ра́ди поми́лованъ бы́хъ, да во мнѣ̀ пе́рвѣмъ пока́жетъ ї҆и҃съ хр҇то́съ всѐ долготерпѣ́нїе, за ѡ҆́бразъ хотѧ́щихъ вѣ́ровати є҆мѹ̀ въ жи́знь вѣ́чнѹю.

Now to the King of the ages, [the] incorruptible, invisible, only God, honour and glory to the ages of ages. Amen.
Цр҃ю́ же вѣкѡ́въ нетлѣ́нномѹ, неви́димомѹ, є҆ди́номѹ премдромѹ бг҃ѹ, чт҇ь и҆ сла́ва во вѣ́ки вѣкѡ́въ. А҆ми́нь.

This charge, [my] child Timotheus, I commit to thee, according to the prophecies as to thee preceding, in order that thou mightest war by them the good warfare,
(За҄ 281.) Сїе́ же завѣща́нїе предаю́ ти, ча́до тїмоѳе́е, по бы́вшихъ на тѧ̀ пре́жде про҇ро́чествїихъ, да во́инствѹеши въ ни́хъ до́брое во́инство,

maintaining faith and a good conscience; which [last] some, having put away, have made shipwreck as to faith;
и҆мѣ́ѧ вѣ́рѹ и҆ бл҃гѹ́ю со́вѣсть, ю҆́же нѣ́цыи ѿри́нѹвше, ѿ вѣ́ры ѿпадо́ша:

of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander, whom I have delivered to Satan, that they may be taught by discipline not to blaspheme.
ѿ ни́хже є҆́сть ѵ҆мене́й и҆ а҆леѯа́ндръ, и҆̀хже преда́хъ сатанѣ̀, да нака́жѹтсѧ не хѹ́лити.

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