Leviticus 1 глава

King James Bible → Елизаветинская Библия


And the LORD called unto Moses, and spake unto him out of the tabernacle of the congregation, saying,
И҆ воззва̀ гд҇ь мѡѷсе́а, и҆ речѐ є҆мѹ̀ и҆з̾ ски́нїи свидѣ́нїѧ, гл҃ѧ:

Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If any man of you bring an offering unto the LORD, ye shall bring your offering of the cattle, even of the herd, and of the flock.
глаго́ли сынѡ́мъ ї҆и҃лєвымъ, и҆ рече́ши къ ни҄мъ: человѣ́къ ѿ ва́съ а҆́ще принесе́тъ да́ры гд҇ѹ, ѿ скотѡ́въ и҆ ѿ говѧ́дъ и҆ ѿ ѻ҆ве́цъ да принесе́те да́ры ва́шѧ:

If his offering be a burnt sacrifice of the herd, let him offer a male without blemish: he shall offer it of his own voluntary will at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation before the LORD.
а҆́ще всесожже́нїе да́ръ є҆гѡ̀, ѿ говѧ́дъ мѹ́жескъ по́лъ непоро́ченъ принесе́тъ, пред̾ двє́ри ски́нїи свидѣ́нїѧ да принесе́тъ є҆̀ прїѧ́тно пред̾ гд҇емъ,

And he shall put his hand upon the head of the burnt offering; and it shall be accepted for him to make atonement for him.
и҆ да возложи́тъ рѹ́кѹ на главѹ̀ приноше́нїѧ, прїѧ́тно є҆мѹ̀, ѹ҆ми́лостивити ѡ҆ не́мъ:

And he shall kill the bullock before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall bring the blood, and sprinkle the blood round about upon the altar that is by the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.
и҆ да зако́лютъ телца̀ пред̾ гд҇емъ: и҆ да принесѹ́тъ сы́нове а҆арѡ́нѡвы жерцы̀ кро́вь, и҆ да пролїю́тъ кро́вь на ѻ҆лта́рь ѡ҆́крестъ, и҆́же ѹ҆ две́рїй ски́нїи свидѣ́нїѧ,

And he shall flay the burnt offering, and cut it into his pieces.
и҆ ѡ҆дра́вше всесожже́нїе, да раздробѧ́тъ є҆̀ на ѹ҆́ды,

And the sons of Aaron the priest shall put fire upon the altar, and lay the wood in order upon the fire:
и҆ да возложа́тъ сы́нове а҆арѡ҄ни жерцы̀ ѻ҆́гнь на ѻ҆лта́рь, и҆ да вскладѹ́тъ дрова̀ на ѻ҆́гнь:

And the priests, Aaron's sons, shall lay the parts, the head, and the fat, in order upon the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar:
и҆ да вскладѹ́тъ сы́нове а҆арѡ҄ни жерцы̀ раздроблє́наѧ, и҆ главѹ̀, и҆ тѹ́къ на дрова̀ сѹ҄щаѧ на ѻ҆гнѝ ѩ҆̀же на ѻ҆лтарѝ,

But his inwards and his legs shall he wash in water: and the priest shall burn all on the altar, to be a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
ѹ҆тро́бѹ же и҆ но́ги да и҆змы́ютъ водо́ю: и҆ да возложи́тъ жре́цъ всѧ҄ на ѻ҆лта́рь: приноше́нїе є҆́сть же́ртва, вонѧ̀ благоѹха́нїѧ гд҇ѹ.

And if his offering be of the flocks, namely, of the sheep, or of the goats, for a burnt sacrifice; he shall bring it a male without blemish.
А҆́ще же ѿ ѻ҆ве́цъ да́ръ сво́й гд҇ви (принесе́тъ) ѿ а҆́гнєцъ и҆ ѿ ко́злищъ во всесожже́нїе, мѹ́жескъ по́лъ непоро́ченъ да принесе́тъ и҆̀,

And he shall kill it on the side of the altar northward before the LORD: and the priests, Aaron's sons, shall sprinkle his blood round about upon the altar.
и҆ да возложи́тъ рѹ́кѹ на главѹ̀ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ да зако́лютъ є҆̀ въ странѣ̀ ѻ҆лтарѧ̀ къ сѣ́верѹ пред̾ гд҇емъ: и҆ да пролїю́тъ сы́нове а҆арѡ҄ни жерцы̀ кро́вь є҆гѡ̀ на ѻ҆лта́рь ѡ҆́крестъ:

And he shall cut it into his pieces, with his head and his fat: and the priest shall lay them in order on the wood that is on the fire which is upon the altar:
и҆ да раздробѧ́тъ є҆го̀ на ѹ҆́ды, и҆ главѹ̀, и҆ тѹ́къ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ да вскладѹ́тъ ѧ҆̀ жерцы̀ на дрова̀ сѹ҄щаѧ на ѻ҆гнѝ ѩ҆̀же на ѻ҆лтарѝ,

But he shall wash the inwards and the legs with water: and the priest shall bring it all, and burn it upon the altar: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
и҆ ѹ҆тро́бѹ и҆ но́ги и҆змы́ютъ водо́ю: и҆ принесе́тъ жре́цъ всѧ҄, и҆ да возложи́тъ на ѻ҆лта́рь: приноше́нїе є҆́сть же́ртва, вонѧ̀ благоѹха́нїѧ гд҇ѹ.

And if the burnt sacrifice for his offering to the LORD be of fowls, then he shall bring his offering of turtledoves, or of young pigeons.
А҆́ще же ѿ пти́цъ приноше́нїе принесе́тъ да́ръ сво́й гд҇ѹ, и҆ принесе́тъ ѿ го́рлицъ и҆лѝ ѿ го́лѹбѡвъ да́ръ сво́й,

And the priest shall bring it unto the altar, and wring off his head, and burn it on the altar; and the blood thereof shall be wrung out at the side of the altar:
и҆ да принесе́тъ и҆̀ жре́цъ ко ѻ҆лтарю̀, и҆ да ѿто́ргнетъ главѹ̀ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ да возложи́тъ жре́цъ на ѻ҆лта́рь и҆ и҆сцѣди́тъ кро́вь ѹ҆ стоѧ́ла ѻ҆лтарѧ̀:

And he shall pluck away his crop with his feathers, and cast it beside the altar on the east part, by the place of the ashes:
и҆ да ѿлѹчи́тъ горта́нь съ пе́рїемъ, и҆ и҆зве́ргнетъ ю҆̀ ѿ ѻ҆лтарѧ̀ на восто́къ на мѣ́сто пе́пела:

And he shall cleave it with the wings thereof, but shall not divide it asunder: and the priest shall burn it upon the altar, upon the wood that is upon the fire: it is a burnt sacrifice, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.
и҆ да и҆зло́митъ є҆го̀ ѿ кри́лъ, и҆ да не раздѣли́тъ: и҆ да возложи́тъ є҆̀ жре́цъ на ѻ҆лта́рь на дрова̀, ѩ҆̀же на ѻ҆гнѝ: приноше́нїе є҆́сть же́ртва, вонѧ̀ благоѹха́нїѧ гд҇ѹ.

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