2 Corinthians 1 глава

2 Corinthians
New American Standard Bible → Елизаветинская Библия


Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To the church of God which is at Corinth with all the saints who are throughout Achaia:
Па́ѵелъ, посла́нникъ ї҆и҃съ хр҇то́въ во́лею бж҃їею, и҆ тїмоѳе́й бра́тъ, цр҃кви бж҃їей сѹ́щей въ корі́нѳѣ, со ст҃ы́ми всѣ́ми сѹ́щими во все́й а҆ха́їи:

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
блгдть ва́мъ и҆ ми́ръ ѿ бг҃а ѻ҆ц҃а̀ на́шегѡ, и҆ гд҇а ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀.

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
(За҄.) Блг҇ве́нъ бг҃ъ и҆ ѻ҆ц҃ъ гд҇а на́шегѡ ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀, ѻ҆ц҃ъ щедро́тъ и҆ бг҃ъ всѧ́кїѧ ѹ҆тѣ́хи,

who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any affliction with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
ѹ҆тѣша́ѧй на́съ ѡ҆ всѧ́цѣй ско́рби на́шей, ѩ҆́кѡ возмощѝ на́мъ ѹ҆тѣ́шити сѹ́щыѧ во всѧ́цѣй ско́рби, ѹ҆тѣше́нїемъ, и҆́мже ѹ҆тѣша́емсѧ са́ми ѿ бг҃а.

For just as the sufferings of Christ are ours in abundance, so also our comfort is abundant through Christ.
Занѐ ѩ҆́коже и҆збы́точествѹютъ страда҄нїѧ хр҇тѡ́ва въ на́съ, та́кѡ хр҇то́мъ и҆збы́точествѹетъ и҆ ѹ҆тѣше́нїе на́ше.

But if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation; or if we are comforted, it is for your comfort, which is effective in the patient enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer;
А҆́ще ли же скорби́мъ, ѡ҆ ва́шемъ ѹ҆тѣше́нїи и҆ сп҇нїи, дѣ́йствѹющемсѧ въ терпѣ́нїи тѣ́хже страда́нїй, ѩ҆̀же и҆ мы̀ стра́ждемъ:

and our hope for you is firmly grounded, knowing that as you are sharers of our sufferings, so also you are sharers of our comfort.
и҆ ѹ҆пова́нїе на́ше и҆звѣ́стно ѡ҆ ва́съ. А҆́ще ли ѹ҆тѣша́емсѧ, ѡ҆ ва́шемъ ѹ҆тѣше́нїи и҆ сп҇нїи, вѣ́дѧще, занѐ ѩ҆́коже ѡ҆́бщницы є҆стѐ страсте́мъ на́шымъ, та́кожде и҆ ѹ҆тѣше́нїю.

For we do not want you to be unaware, brethren, of our affliction which came to us in Asia, that we were burdened excessively, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life;
(За҄ 168.) Не бо̀ хо́щемъ ва́съ, бра́тїе, не вѣ́дѣти ѡ҆ ско́рби на́шей бы́вшей на́мъ во а҆сі́и, ѩ҆́кѡ по премно́гѹ (и҆) па́че си́лы ѡ҆тѧготи́хомсѧ, ѩ҆́кѡ не надѣ́ѧтисѧ на́мъ и҆ жи́ти.

indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead;
Но са́ми въ себѣ̀ ѡ҆сѹжде́нїе сме́рти и҆мѣ́хомъ, да не надѣ́ющесѧ бѹ́демъ на сѧ̀, но на бг҃а возставлѧ́ющаго мє́ртвыѧ,

who delivered us from so great a peril of death, and will deliver us, He on whom we have set our hope. And He will yet deliver us,
и҆́же ѿ толи́кїѧ сме́рти и҆зба́вилъ ны̀ є҆́сть и҆ и҆збавлѧ́етъ, на́ньже и҆ ѹ҆пова́хомъ, ѩ҆́кѡ и҆ є҆щѐ и҆зба́витъ,

you also joining in helping us through your prayers, so that thanks may be given by many persons on our behalf for the favor bestowed on us through the prayers of many.
споспѣшествѹ́ющымъ и҆ ва́мъ по на́съ моли́твою, да ѿ мно́гихъ ли́цъ, є҆́же въ на́съ дарова́нїе, мно́гими благодари́тсѧ ѡ҆ ва́съ {въ нѣ́кїихъ: ѡ҆ на́съ}.

For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you.
(За҄ 169.) Похвале́нїе бо на́ше сїѐ є҆́сть, свидѣ́телство со́вѣсти на́шеѧ, ѩ҆́кѡ въ простотѣ̀ и҆ чт҇отѣ̀ бж҃їей, (а҆) не въ мѹ́дрости пло́ти, но блгдтїю бж҃їею жи́хомъ въ мі́рѣ, мно́жае же ѹ҆ ва́съ.

For we write nothing else to you than what you read and understand, and I hope you will understand until the end;
Не и҆на҄ѧ бо пи́шемъ ва́мъ, но ѩ҆̀же чтетѐ и҆ разѹмѣва́ете: ѹ҆пова́ю же, ѩ҆́кѡ и҆ до конца̀ ѹ҆разѹмѣ́ете,

just as you also partially did understand us, that we are your reason to be proud as you also are ours, in the day of our Lord Jesus.
ѩ҆́коже и҆ разѹмѣ́сте на́съ ѿ ча́сти, ѩ҆́кѡ похвале́нїе ва́мъ є҆смы̀, ѩ҆́коже и҆ вы̀ на́мъ, въ де́нь гд҇а на́шегѡ ї҆и҃са хр҇та̀.

In this confidence I intended at first to come to you, so that you might twice receive a blessing;
И҆ си́мъ ѹ҆пова́нїемъ хотѣ́хъ къ ва́мъ прїитѝ пре́жде, да вторѹ́ю блгдть и҆́мате,

that is, to pass your way into Macedonia, and again from Macedonia to come to you, and by you to be helped on my journey to Judea.
и҆ ва́ми проитѝ въ македо́нїю, и҆ па́ки ѿ македо́нїи прїитѝ къ ва́мъ, и҆ ва́ми проводи́тисѧ во ї҆ѹде́ю.

Therefore, I was not vacillating when I intended to do this, was I? Or what I purpose, do I purpose according to the flesh, so that with me there will be yes, yes and no, no at the same time?
Сїе́ же хотѧ̀, є҆да̀ что̀ ѹ҆́бѡ легкото́ю дѣ́ѧхъ; И҆лѝ ѩ҆̀же совѣщава́ю, по пло́ти совѣщава́ю, да бѹ́детъ ѹ҆ менє̀ є҆́же є҆́й, є҆́й, и҆ є҆́же нѝ, нѝ.

But as God is faithful, our word to you is not yes and no.
Вѣ́ренъ же бг҃ъ, ѩ҆́кѡ сло́во на́ше, є҆́же къ ва́мъ, не бы́сть є҆́й и҆ нѝ.

For the Son of God, Christ Jesus, who was preached among you by us — by me and Silvanus and Timothy — was not yes and no, but is yes in Him.
И҆́бо бж҃їй сн҃ъ ї҆и҃съ хр҇то́съ, и҆́же ѹ҆ ва́съ на́ми проповѣ́данный, мно́ю и҆ сїлѹа́номъ и҆ тїмоѳе́емъ, не бы́сть є҆́й и҆ нѝ, но въ не́мъ самѣ́мъ є҆́й бы́сть:

For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us.
є҆ли҄ка бо ѡ҆бѣтѡва́нїѧ бж҃їѧ, въ то́мъ є҆́й и҆ въ то́мъ а҆ми́нь: бг҃ѹ къ сла́вѣ на́ми.

Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and anointed us is God,
(За҄ 170.) И҆звѣствѹ́ѧй же на́съ съ ва́ми во хр҇та̀ и҆ пома́завый на́съ, бг҃ъ,

who also sealed us and gave us the Spirit in our hearts as a pledge.
и҆́же и҆ запечатлѣ̀ на́съ, и҆ дадѐ ѡ҆брѹче́нїе дх҃а въ сердца̀ на҄ша.

But I call God as witness to my soul, that to spare you I did not come again to Corinth.
А҆́зъ же свидѣ́телѧ бг҃а призыва́ю на мою̀ дѹ́шѹ, ѩ҆́кѡ щадѧ̀ ва́съ, ктомѹ̀ не прїидо́хъ въ корі́нѳъ,

Not that we lord it over your faith, but are workers with you for your joy; for in your faith you are standing firm.
не ѩ҆́кѡ ѡ҆блада́емъ вѣ́рою ва́шею, но (ѩ҆́кѡ) споспѣ҄шницы є҆смы̀ ва́шей ра́дости: вѣ́рою бо стоитѐ.

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