3 John 1 глава

3 John
New Living Translation → Елизаветинская на русском


This letter is from John, the elder.a I am writing to Gaius, my dear friend, whom I love in the truth.
Старец гаиеви возлюбленному, егоже аз люблю воистинну.

Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit.
Возлюбленне, во всех молюся (о тебе) благоспеятися тебе и здравствовати, якоже благоспеется тебе душа.

Some of the traveling teachersb recently returned and made me very happy by telling me about your faithfulness and that you are living according to the truth.
Возрадовахся зело, пришедшым братиям и свидетельствующым твою истину, якоже ты во истине ходиши.

I could have no greater joy than to hear that my children are following the truth.
Болши сея не имам радости, да слышу моя чада во истине ходяща.

Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you.
Возлюбленне, верно твориши, еже аще делаеши в братию и в странныя,

They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.
иже свидетельствоваша о твоей любви пред Царковию. ихже предпослав достойно Богу, добре твориши.

For they are traveling for the Lord,c and they accept nothing from people who are not believers.d
о имени бо его изыдоша, ничтоже приемлюще от язык.

So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth.
Мы убо должни есмы приимати таковых, да поспешницы будем истине.

I wrote to the church about this, but Diotrephes, who loves to be the leader, refuses to have anything to do with us.
Писах Церкви: но первенстволюбец их диотреф не приемлет нас.

When I come, I will report some of the things he is doing and the evil accusations he is making against us. Not only does he refuse to welcome the traveling teachers, he also tells others not to help them. And when they do help, he puts them out of the church.
Сего ради, аще прииду, воспомяну его дела, яже творит, словесы лукавыми укоряя нас: и недоволен бывая о сих, ни сам приемлет братию, и хотящым возбраняет, и от Церкве изгонит.

Dear friend, don’t let this bad example influence you. Follow only what is good. Remember that those who do good prove that they are God’s children, and those who do evil prove that they do not know God.e
Возлюбленне, не уподобляися злому, но благому. Благотворяй от Бога есть: а злотворяй не виде Бога.

Everyone speaks highly of Demetrius, as does the truth itself. We ourselves can say the same for him, and you know we speak the truth.
Димитриеви свидетельствовася от всех и от самыя истины: и мы же свидетельствуем, и весте, яко свидетельство наше истинно есть.

I have much more to say to you, but I don’t want to write it with pen and ink.
Многа имех писати, но не хощу чернилом и тростию писати тебе,

For I hope to see you soon, and then we will talk face to face. [15] fPeace be with you. Your friends here send you their greetings. Please give my personal greetings to each of our friends there.
уповаю же абие видети тя и усты ко устом глаголати.

2007–2024. Сделано с любовью для любящих и ищущих Бога. Если у вас есть вопросы или пожелания, то пишите нам: bible-man@mail.ru.