Revelation 14 глава

New King James Version → Елизаветинская Библия


Then I looked, and behold, [a]a Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with Him one hundred and forty-four thousand, [b]having His Father’s name written on their foreheads.
И҆ ви́дѣхъ, и҆ сѐ, а҆́гнецъ стоѧ́ше на горѣ̀ сїѡ́нстѣй, и҆ съ ни́мъ сто̀ и҆ четы́редесѧть и҆ четы́ри ты́сѧщы, и҆мѹ́ще и҆́мѧ ѻ҆ц҃а̀ є҆гѡ̀ напи́сано на челѣ́хъ свои́хъ.

And I heard a voice from heaven, like the voice of many waters, and like the voice of loud thunder. And I heard the sound of harpists playing their harps.
И҆ слы́шахъ гла́съ съ небесѐ, ѩ҆́кѡ гла́съ во́дъ мно́гихъ и҆ ѩ҆́кѡ гла́съ гро́ма вели́ка: и҆ гла́съ слы́шахъ гѹдє́цъ гѹдѹ́щихъ въ гѹ҄сли своѧ҄

They sang as it were a new song before the throne, before the four living creatures, and the elders; and no one could learn that song except the hundred and forty-four thousand who were redeemed from the earth.
и҆ пою́щихъ ѩ҆́кѡ пѣ́снь но́вѹ пред̾ пр҇то́ломъ и҆ пред̾ четы҄ри живо́тными и҆ ста҄рцы: и҆ никто́же можа́ше навы́кнѹти пѣ́сни, то́кмѡ сі́и сто̀ и҆ четы́редесѧть и҆ четы́ри ты́сѧщы и҆скѹ́плени ѿ землѝ.

These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were [c]redeemed from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.
Сі́и сѹ́ть, и҆̀же съ жена́ми не ѡ҆скверни́шасѧ, занѐ дѣ́вственницы сѹ́ть: сі́и послѣ́дѹютъ а҆́гнцѹ, а҆́може а҆́ще по́йдетъ. Сі́и сѹ́ть кѹ́плени ѿ люді́й пе́рвенцы бг҃ѹ и҆ а҆́гнцѹ,

And in their mouth was found no [d]deceit, for they are without fault [e]before the throne of God.
и҆ во ѹ҆стѣ́хъ и҆́хъ не ѡ҆брѣ́тесѧ ле́сть: без̾ поро́ка бо сѹ́ть пред̾ пр҇то́ломъ бж҃їимъ.

Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach to those who dwell on the earth — to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people —
И҆ ви́дѣхъ и҆́наго а҆́гг҃ла парѧ́ща посредѣ̀ небесѐ, и҆мѹ́щаго є҆ѵⷢлїе вѣ́чно благовѣсти́ти живѹ́щымъ на землѝ и҆ всѧ́комѹ пле́мени и҆ ѩ҆зы́кѹ, и҆ колѣ́нѹ и҆ лю́демъ,

saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water.”
глаго́люща гла́сомъ вели́кимъ: ѹ҆бо́йтесѧ бг҃а и҆ дади́те є҆мѹ̀ сла́вѹ, ѩ҆́кѡ прїи́де ча́съ сѹда̀ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ поклони́тесѧ сотво́ршемѹ не́бо и҆ зе́млю, и҆ мо́ре и҆ и҆сто́чники водны҄ѧ.

And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon[f] is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”
И҆ и҆́нъ а҆́гг҃лъ в̾слѣ́дъ и҆́де, глаго́лѧ: падѐ, падѐ вавѷлѡ́нъ гра́дъ вели́кїй, занѐ ѿ вїна̀ ѩ҆́рости любодѣѧ́нїѧ своегѡ̀ напоѝ всѧ҄ ѩ҆зы́ки.

Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
И҆ тре́тїй а҆́гг҃лъ в̾слѣ́дъ є҆гѡ̀ и҆́де, глаго́лѧ гла́сомъ вели́кимъ: и҆́же а҆́ще кто̀ покланѧ́етсѧ ѕвѣ́рю и҆ ї҆кѡ́нѣ є҆гѡ̀ и҆ прїе́млетъ начерта́нїе на челѣ̀ свое́мъ и҆лѝ на рѹцѣ̀ свое́й,

he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
и҆ то́й и҆́мать пи́ти ѿ вїна̀ ѩ҆́рости бж҃їѧ, вїна̀ нерастворе́на {влїѧ́нна нерастворе́на} въ ча́ши гнѣ́ва є҆гѡ̀, и҆ бѹ́детъ мѹ́ченъ ѻ҆гне́мъ и҆ жѹ́пеломъ пред̾ а҆́гг҃лы ст҃ы́ми и҆ пред̾ а҆́гнцемъ:

And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
и҆ ды́мъ мѹче́нїѧ и҆́хъ во вѣ́ки вѣкѡ́въ восхо́дитъ, и҆ не и҆́мѹтъ поко́ѧ де́нь и҆ но́щь покланѧ́ющїисѧ ѕвѣ́рю и҆ ѡ҆́бразѹ є҆гѡ̀ и҆ прїе́млющїи начерта́нїе и҆́мене є҆гѡ̀.

Here is the [g]patience of the saints; here[h] are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
Здѣ̀ є҆́сть терпѣ́нїе ст҃ы́хъ, и҆̀же соблюда́ютъ за́повѣди бж҃їѧ и҆ вѣ́рѹ ї҆и҃совѹ.

Then I heard a voice from heaven saying [i]to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”
И҆ слы́шахъ гла́съ съ небесѐ, гл҃ющь мѝ: напишѝ: бл҃же́ни ме́ртвїи, ѹ҆мира́ющїи ѡ҆ гд҇ѣ ѿнн҃ѣ. Є҆́й, гл҃етъ дх҃ъ, да почі́ютъ ѿ трѹдѡ́въ свои́хъ: дѣла́ бо и҆́хъ хо́дѧтъ в̾слѣ́дъ съ ни́ми.

Then I looked, and behold, a white cloud, and on the cloud sat One like the Son of Man, having on His head a golden crown, and in His hand a sharp sickle.
И҆ ви́дѣхъ, и҆ сѐ, ѡ҆́блакъ свѣ́телъ, и҆ на ѡ҆́блацѣ сѣдѧ́й подо́бенъ сн҃ѹ чл҃вѣ́ческомѹ, и҆мѣ́ѧ на главѣ̀ свое́й вѣне́цъ зла́тъ, и҆ въ рѹцѣ̀ є҆гѡ̀ се́рпъ ѻ҆́стръ.

And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to Him who sat on the cloud, “Thrust in Your sickle and reap, for the time has come [j]for You to reap, for the harvest of the earth is ripe.”
И҆ и҆́нъ а҆́гг҃лъ и҆зы́де и҆з̾ хра́ма, вопїѧ̀ ве́лїимъ гла́сомъ сѣдѧ́щемѹ на ѡ҆́блацѣ: послѝ се́рпъ тво́й и҆ жнѝ, ѩ҆́кѡ прїи́де ча́съ пожа́ти, занѐ и҆́зсше трава̀ {жа́тва} земна́ѧ.

So He who sat on the cloud thrust in His sickle on the earth, and the earth was reaped.
И҆ положѝ {пове́рже} сѣдѧ́й на ѡ҆́блацѣ се́рпъ сво́й на зе́млю, и҆ пожа́та бы́сть землѧ̀.

Then another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, he also having a sharp sickle.
И҆ и҆́нъ а҆́гг҃лъ и҆зы́де и҆з̾ це́ркве сѹ́щїѧ на нб҃сѝ, и҆мы́й и҆ то́й се́рпъ ѻ҆́стръ.

And another angel came out from the altar, who had power over fire, and he cried with a loud cry to him who had the sharp sickle, saying, “Thrust in your sharp sickle and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth, for her grapes are fully ripe.”
И҆ и҆́нъ а҆́гг҃лъ и҆зы́де ѿ ѻ҆лтарѧ̀, и҆мы́й ѡ҆́бласть на ѻ҆гнѝ, и҆ возопѝ кли́чемъ вели́кимъ ко и҆мѹ́щемѹ се́рпъ ѻ҆́стрый, глаго́лѧ: послѝ се́рпъ тво́й ѻ҆́стрый и҆ ѡ҆б̾е́мли гро́зды вїногра́да земна́гѡ, ѩ҆́кѡ созрѣ́ша ѹ҆жѐ гро́здїе є҆ѧ̀.

So the angel thrust his sickle into the earth and gathered the vine of the earth, and threw it into the great winepress of the wrath of God.
И҆ положѝ {ве́рже} а҆́гг҃лъ се́рпъ сво́й на землѝ {на зе́млю}, и҆ ѡ҆берѐ вїногра́дъ зе́мскїй и҆ вложѝ въ точи́ло вели́кїѧ ѩ҆́рости бж҃їѧ.

And the winepress was trampled outside the city, and blood came out of the winepress, up to the horses’ bridles, for one thousand six hundred [k]furlongs.
И҆ и҆спра́но бы́сть точи́ло внѣ̀ гра́да, и҆ и҆зы́де кро́вь ѿ точи́ла да́же до ѹ҆́здъ ко́нскихъ, ѿ ста́дїй ты́сѧща и҆ ше́сть сѡ́тъ.

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