2 Chronicles 15 глава

2 Chronicles
New Living Translation → Елизаветинская Библия


Then the Spirit of God came upon Azariah son of Oded,
А҆за́рїа же сы́нъ а҆да́довъ, бы́сть на не́мъ дх҃ъ бж҃їй:

and he went out to meet King Asa as he was returning from the battle. “Listen to me, Asa!” he shouted. “Listen, all you people of Judah and Benjamin! The LORD will stay with you as long as you stay with him! Whenever you seek him, you will find him. But if you abandon him, he will abandon you.
и҆ и҆зы́де во срѣ́тенїе а҆́сѣ и҆ всемѹ̀ ї҆ѹ́дѣ и҆ венїамі́нѹ и҆ речѐ є҆мѹ̀: ѹ҆слы́шите мѧ̀, а҆́са и҆ ве́сь ї҆ѹ́да и҆ венїамі́нъ: гд҇ь съ ва́ми, ѩ҆́кѡ бы́сте съ ни́мъ: и҆ а҆́ще взы́щете є҆гѡ̀, ѡ҆брѧ́щетсѧ ва́мъ, а҆́ще же ѡ҆ста́вите є҆го̀, ѡ҆ста́витъ ва́съ:

For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach them, and without the Law to instruct them.
мно́зи дні́е (бѹ́дѹтъ) во ї҆и҃ли без̾ бг҃а и҆́стиннагѡ и҆ без̾ свѧще́нника ѹ҆ча́щагѡ и҆ без̾ зако́на:

But whenever they were in trouble and turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought him out, they found him.
є҆гда́ же ѡ҆братѧ́тсѧ въ печа́ли ко гд҇ѹ бг҃ѹ ї҆и҃левѹ и҆ взы́щѹтъ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ ѡ҆брѧ́щетсѧ и҆̀мъ:

“During those dark times, it was not safe to travel. Problems troubled the people of every land.
и҆ во вре́мѧ ѻ҆́но не бѹ́детъ ми́ръ и҆сходѧ́щемѹ и҆ входѧ́щемѹ, ѩ҆́кѡ ѹ҆́жасъ гд҇ень на всѣ́хъ ѡ҆бита́ющихъ на землѝ

Nation fought against nation, and city against city, for God was troubling them with every kind of problem.
и҆ ѡ҆полчи́тсѧ ѩ҆зы́къ на ѩ҆зы́къ и҆ гра́дъ проти́вѹ гра́да, ѩ҆́кѡ гд҇ь смѹти́тъ и҆̀хъ во всѧ́цѣй печа́ли:

But as for you, be strong and courageous, for your work will be rewarded.”
и҆ вы̀ ѹ҆крѣпи́тесѧ, и҆ да не ѡ҆слабѣ́ютъ рѹ́ки ва́шѧ, є҆́сть бо мзда̀ дѣ́лѹ ва́шемѹ.

When Asa heard this message from Azariah the prophet,a he took courage and removed all the detestable idols from the land of Judah and Benjamin and in the towns he had captured in the hill country of Ephraim. And he repaired the altar of the LORD, which stood in front of the entry room of the LORD’s Temple.
И҆ є҆гда̀ ѹ҆слы́ша а҆́са словеса̀ сїѧ҄ и҆ про҇ро́чество а҆за́рїи про҇ро́ка, ѹ҆крѣпи́сѧ и҆ ѿѧ̀ всѧ҄ їдѡлы ѿ всеѧ̀ землѝ ї҆ѹ́дины и҆ венїамі́ни и҆ ѿ градѡ́въ, и҆̀хже содержа́ше ї҆еровоа́мъ въ горѣ̀ є҆фре́мли, и҆ ѡ҆свѧтѝ ѻ҆лта́рь гд҇ень, и҆́же бѣ̀ пред̾ хра́момъ гд҇нимъ:

Then Asa called together all the people of Judah and Benjamin, along with the people of Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon who had settled among them. For many from Israel had moved to Judah during Asa’s reign when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.
собра́ же (всего̀) ї҆ѹ́дѹ и҆ венїамі́на и҆ прише́лцєвъ ѡ҆бита́ющихъ съ ни́мъ ѿ є҆фре́ма и҆ ѿ манассі́и и҆ ѿ сѷмеѡ́на, мно́зи бо къ немѹ̀ прибѣго́ша ѿ ї҆и҃лѧ, є҆гда̀ ѹ҆ви́дѣша, ѩ҆́кѡ гд҇ь бг҃ъ є҆гѡ̀ съ ни́мъ.

The people gathered at Jerusalem in late spring,b during the fifteenth year of Asa’s reign.
И҆ собра́шасѧ во ї҆ер҇ли́мъ въ мц҇ъ тре́тїй, въ лѣ́то пѧтоена́десѧть ца́рства а҆́сы,

On that day they sacrificed to the LORD 700 cattle and 7,000 sheep and goats from the plunder they had taken in the battle.
и҆ пожро́ша гд҇ѹ въ де́нь то́й ѿ коры́стей, и҆̀хже приведо́ша, волѡ́въ се́дмь сѡ́тъ и҆ ѻ҆ве́цъ се́дмь ты́сѧщъ,

Then they entered into a covenant to seek the LORD, the God of their ancestors, with all their heart and soul.
и҆ поидо́ша въ завѣ́тѣ, є҆́же и҆ска́ти гд҇а бг҃а ѻ҆тє́цъ свои́хъ всѣ́мъ се́рдцемъ и҆ все́ю дѹше́ю свое́ю:

They agreed that anyone who refused to seek the LORD, the God of Israel, would be put to death — whether young or old, man or woman.
и҆ (речѐ): всѧ́къ, и҆́же а҆́ще не взы́щетъ гд҇а бг҃а ї҆и҃лева, да ѹ҆́мретъ ѿ ю҄нагѡ да́же до старѣ́йшагѡ, ѿ мѹ́жа да́же до жены̀.

They shouted out their oath of loyalty to the LORD with trumpets blaring and rams’ horns sounding.
И҆ клѧ́шасѧ гд҇ѹ гла́сомъ вели́кимъ въ восклица́нїи и҆ въ трѹба́хъ и҆ въ ро́жаныхъ.

All in Judah were happy about this covenant, for they had entered into it with all their heart. They earnestly sought after God, and they found him. And the LORD gave them rest from their enemies on every side.
И҆ возра́довасѧ ве́сь ї҆ѹ́да ѡ҆ клѧ́твѣ, ѩ҆́кѡ ѿ всеѧ̀ дѹшѝ клѧ́шасѧ, и҆ все́ю во́лею взыска́ша є҆гѡ̀, и҆ ѡ҆брѣ́тесѧ и҆̀мъ, и҆ дадѐ и҆̀мъ гд҇ь поко́й ѡ҆́крестъ.

King Asa even deposed his grandmotherc Maacah from her position as queen mother because she had made an obscene Asherah pole. He cut down her obscene pole, broke it up, and burned it in the Kidron Valley.
И҆ маа́хѹ ма́терь свою̀ ѿлѹчѝ, да не слѹ́житъ а҆ста́ртѹ, и҆ сокрѹшѝ їдѡла и҆ сожжѐ въ пото́цѣ ке́дрстѣмъ.

Although the pagan shrines were not removed from Israel, Asa’s heart remained completely faithful throughout his life.
То́кмѡ высо́кихъ не ѿста́ви, є҆ще́ бо бѧ́хѹ во ї҆и҃ли, но се́рдце а҆́сы бѣ̀ соверше́нно во всѣ́хъ дне́хъ є҆гѡ̀:

He brought into the Temple of God the silver and gold and the various items that he and his father had dedicated.
и҆ внесѐ ст҃а҄ѧ даві́да ѻ҆тца̀ своегѡ̀ и҆ ст҃а҄ѧ своѧ҄ въ до́мъ бж҃їй, сребро̀ и҆ зла́то и҆ сосѹ́ды.

So there was no more war until the thirty-fifth year of Asa’s reign.
И҆ бра́нь не бы́сть є҆мѹ̀ да́же до три́десѧть пѧ́тагѡ лѣ́та ца́рства а҆́сина.

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