Lamentations 1 глава

New Living Translation → Елизаветинская Библия


Jerusalem, once so full of people, is now deserted. She who was once great among the nations now sits alone like a widow. Once the queen of all the earth, she is now a slave.
А҆́лефъ. Ка́кѡ сѣ́де є҆ди́нъ гра́дъ ѹ҆мно́женный людьмѝ: бы́сть ѩ҆́кѡ вдови́ца, ѹ҆мно́женный во ѩ҆зы́цѣхъ, владѧ́й страна́ми бы́сть под̾ да́нїю.

She sobs through the night; tears stream down her cheeks. Among all her lovers, there is no one left to comfort her. All her friends have betrayed her and become her enemies.
Бе́ѳъ. Пла́чѧ пла́касѧ въ нощѝ, и҆ сле́зы є҆гѡ̀ на лани́тѣхъ є҆гѡ̀, и҆ нѣ́сть ѹ҆тѣша́ѧй є҆го̀ ѿ всѣ́хъ лю́бѧщихъ є҆го̀: всѝ дрѹжа́щїисѧ съ ни́мъ ѿверго́шасѧ є҆гѡ̀, бы́ша є҆мѹ̀ вразѝ.

Judah has been led away into captivity, oppressed with cruel slavery. She lives among foreign nations and has no place of rest. Her enemies have chased her down, and she has nowhere to turn.
Гі́мель. Пресели́сѧ ї҆ѹ́да ра́ди смире́нїѧ своегѡ̀ и҆ ра́ди мно́жества рабо́ты своеѧ̀: сѣ́де во ѩ҆зы́цѣхъ, не ѡ҆брѣ́те поко́ѧ. Всѝ гонѧ́щїи є҆го̀ пости́гнѹша и҆̀ средѣ̀ стѹжа́ющихъ є҆мѹ̀.

The roads to Jerusalemb are in mourning, for crowds no longer come to celebrate the festivals. The city gates are silent, her priests groan, her young women are crying — how bitter is her fate!
Да́леѳъ. Пѹтїѐ сїѡ҄ни рыда́ютъ, ѩ҆́кѡ нѣ́сть ходѧ́щихъ по ни́хъ въ пра́здникъ, всѧ҄ врата̀ є҆гѡ̀ разорє́на, жерцы̀ є҆гѡ̀ воздыха́ютъ, дѣви҄цы є҆гѡ̀ ведѡ́мы, и҆ са́мъ ѡ҆горчева́емь въ себѣ̀.

Her oppressors have become her masters, and her enemies prosper, for the LORD has punished Jerusalem for her many sins. Her children have been captured and taken away to distant lands.
Гѐ. Бы́ша стѹжа́ющїи є҆мѹ̀ во главѹ̀, и҆ вразѝ є҆гѡ̀ ѹ҆гобзи́шасѧ, ѩ҆́кѡ гд҇ь смирѝ є҆го̀ за мно́жество нече́стїѧ є҆гѡ̀: младе́нцы є҆гѡ̀ ѿидо́ша плѣне́ни пред̾ лице́мъ стѹжа́ющагѡ.

All the majesty of beautiful Jerusalemc has been stripped away. Her princes are like starving deer searching for pasture. They are too weak to run from the pursuing enemy.
Ва́ѵъ. И҆ ѿѧ́сѧ ѿ дще́ре сїѡ́ни всѧ̀ лѣ́пота є҆ѧ̀: бы́ша кнѧ҄зи є҆ѧ̀ ѩ҆́кѡ ѻ҆́вни не и҆мѹ́щїи па́жити, и҆ хожда́хѹ не съ крѣ́постїю пред̾ лице́мъ гонѧ́щагѡ.

In the midst of her sadness and wandering, Jerusalem remembers her ancient splendor. But now she has fallen to her enemy, and there is no one to help her. Her enemy struck her down and laughed as she fell.
За́їнъ. Помѧнѹ̀ ї҆ер҇ли́мъ дни҄ смире́нїѧ своегѡ̀ и҆ ѿринове́нїй свои́хъ, всѧ҄ вождєлѣ́нїѧ своѧ҄, ѩ҆̀же и҆мѣ́ѧше ѿ дні́й пе́рвыхъ, є҆гда̀ падо́ша лю́дїе є҆гѡ̀ въ рѹ́цѣ стѹжа́ющагѡ, и҆ не бѣ̀ помага́ющагѡ є҆мѹ̀: ви́дѣвше вразѝ є҆гѡ̀ посмѣѧ́шасѧ ѡ҆ преселе́нїи є҆гѡ̀.

Jerusalem has sinned greatly, so she has been tossed away like a filthy rag. All who once honored her now despise her, for they have seen her stripped naked and humiliated. All she can do is groan and hide her face.
И҆́ѳъ. Грѣхо́мъ согрѣшѝ ї҆ер҇ли́мъ, тогѡ̀ ра́ди въ мѧте́жъ бы́сть: всѝ сла́вѧщїи є҆го̀ смири́ша и҆̀, ви́дѣша бо сра́мъ є҆гѡ̀: се́й же стенѧ́щь ѡ҆брати́сѧ вспѧ́ть.

She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to her future. Now she lies in the gutter with no one to lift her out. “LORD, see my misery,” she cries. “The enemy has triumphed.”
Те́ѳъ. Нечистота̀ є҆гѡ̀ пред̾ нога́ма є҆гѡ̀, не помѧнѹ̀ послѣ́днихъ свои́хъ и҆ низведе́сѧ пречѹ́днѡ: нѣ́сть ѹ҆тѣша́ѧй є҆го̀. Ви́ждь, гд҇и, смире́нїе моѐ, ѩ҆́кѡ возвели́чисѧ вра́гъ.

The enemy has plundered her completely, taking every precious thing she owns. She has seen foreigners violate her sacred Temple, the place the LORD had forbidden them to enter.
Ї҆ѡ́дъ. Рѹ́кѹ свою̀ прострѐ стѹжа́ѧй на всѧ҄ вожделѣ҄ннаѧ є҆гѡ̀, ви́дѣ бо ѩ҆зы́ки вше́дшыѧ во ст҃ы́ню свою̀, и҆̀мже повелѣ́лъ є҆сѝ не входи́ти во цр҃ковь твою̀.

Her people groan as they search for bread. They have sold their treasures for food to stay alive. “O LORD, look,” she mourns, “and see how I am despised.
Ка́фъ. Всѝ лю́дїе є҆гѡ̀ воздыха́юще и҆́щѹтъ хлѣ́ба: да́ша вождєлѣ́ннаѧ своѧ҄ за пи́щѹ, є҆́же бы ѡ҆брати́ти дѹ́шѹ. Ви́ждь, гд҇и, и҆ при́зри, ѩ҆́кѡ бы́хъ безче́стенъ.

“Does it mean nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see if there is any suffering like mine, which the LORD brought on me when he erupted in fierce anger.
Ла́медъ. Всѝ, и҆̀же къ ва́мъ проходѧ́щїи пѹте́мъ, ѡ҆брати́тесѧ и҆ ви́дите, а҆́ще є҆́сть болѣ́знь, ѩ҆́кѡ болѣ́знь моѧ̀, ѩ҆́же бы́сть: гл҃авый ѡ҆ мнѣ̀ смири́ мѧ гд҇ь въ де́нь гнѣ́ва ѩ҆́рости своеѧ̀.

“He has sent fire from heaven that burns in my bones. He has placed a trap in my path and turned me back. He has left me devastated, racked with sickness all day long.
Ме́мъ. Съ высоты̀ своеѧ̀ посла̀ ѻ҆́гнь, въ кѡ́сти моѧ҄ сведѐ є҆го̀: прострѐ сѣ́ть нога́ма мои́ма, ѡ҆брати́ мѧ вспѧ́ть, даде́ мѧ гд҇ь въ погѹбле́нїе, ве́сь де́нь болѣ́знѹюща.

“He wove my sins into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of captivity. The Lord sapped my strength and turned me over to my enemies; I am helpless in their hands.
Нѹ́нъ. Бдѧ́ше на нечє́стїѧ моѧ҄, въ рѹкѹ̀ моє́ю сплето́шасѧ: взыдо́ша на вы́ю мою̀, и҆знемо́же крѣ́пость моѧ̀, ѩ҆́кѡ дадѐ гд҇ь въ рѹ́цѣ моѝ бѡлѣ́зни, не возмогѹ̀ ста́ти.

“The Lord has treated my mighty men with contempt. At his command a great army has come to crush my young warriors. The Lord has trampled his beloved cityd like grapes are trampled in a winepress.
Са́мехъ. Ѿѧ̀ всѧ҄ крѣ҄пкїѧ моѧ҄ гд҇ь ѿ среды̀ менє̀, призва̀ на мѧ̀ вре́мѧ, є҆́же сокрѹши́ти и҆збра҄нныѧ моѧ҄: точи́ло и҆стопта̀ гд҇ь дѣви́цѣ, дще́ри ї҆ѹ́динѣ: ѡ҆ си́хъ а҆́зъ пла́чѹ.

“For all these things I weep; tears flow down my cheeks. No one is here to comfort me; any who might encourage me are far away. My children have no future, for the enemy has conquered us.”
А҆́їнъ. Ѻ҆́чи моѝ и҆злїѧ́стѣ во́дѹ, ѩ҆́кѡ ѹ҆дали́сѧ ѿ менє̀ ѹ҆тѣша́ѧй мѧ̀, возвраща́ѧй дѹ́шѹ мою̀: погибо́ша сы́нове моѝ, ѩ҆́кѡ возмо́же вра́гъ.

Jerusalem reaches out for help, but no one comforts her. Regarding his people Israel,e the LORD has said, “Let their neighbors be their enemies! Let them be thrown away like a filthy rag!”
Фѝ. Воздѣ̀ рѹцѣ̀ своѝ сїѡ́нъ, нѣ́сть ѹ҆тѣша́ѧй є҆го̀. Заповѣ́да гд҇ь на ї҆а́кѡва, ѡ҆́крестъ є҆гѡ̀ вразѝ є҆гѡ̀: бы́сть ї҆ер҇ли́мъ ѩ҆́кѡ ѡ҆скверне́на кровоточе́нїемъ въ ни́хъ.

“The LORD is right,” Jerusalem says, “for I rebelled against him. Listen, people everywhere; look upon my anguish and despair, for my sons and daughters have been taken captive to distant lands.
Ца́ди. Првднъ є҆́сть гд҇ь, ѩ҆́кѡ ѹ҆ста̀ є҆гѡ̀ ѡ҆горчи́хъ. Слы́шите ѹ҆̀бо, всѝ лю́дїе, и҆ ви́дите болѣ́знь мою̀: дѣви҄цы моѧ҄ и҆ ю҆́нѡты ѿидо́ша въ плѣ́нъ.

“I begged my allies for help, but they betrayed me. My priests and leaders starved to death in the city, even as they searched for food to save their lives.
Кѡ́фъ. Позва́хъ люби́тєли моѧ҄, и҆ ті́и прельсти́ша мѧ̀: жерцы̀ моѝ и҆ ста́рцы моѝ во гра́дѣ ѡ҆скѹдѣ́ша, ѩ҆́кѡ взыска́ша пи́щи себѣ̀, да ѹ҆крѣпѧ́тъ дѹ́шы своѧ҄, и҆ не ѡ҆брѣто́ша.

“LORD, see my anguish! My heart is broken and my soul despairs, for I have rebelled against you. In the streets the sword kills, and at home there is only death.
Ре́шъ. Ви́ждь, гд҇и, ѩ҆́кѡ скорблю̀, ѹ҆тро́ба моѧ̀ смѧте́сѧ во мнѣ̀, и҆ преврати́сѧ се́рдце моѐ, ѩ҆́кѡ го́рести и҆спо́лнихсѧ: ѿвнѣ̀ ѡ҆безча́ди менѐ ме́чь, а҆́ки сме́рть въ домѹ̀.

“Others heard my groans, but no one turned to comfort me. When my enemies heard about my troubles, they were happy to see what you had done. Oh, bring the day you promised, when they will suffer as I have suffered.
Ши́нъ. Слы́шаша ѹ҆́бѡ, ѩ҆́кѡ воздыха́ю а҆́зъ, нѣ́сть ѹ҆тѣша́ющагѡ мѧ̀. Всѝ вразѝ моѝ слы́шаша ѕла҄ѧ моѧ҄ и҆ пора́довашасѧ, ѩ҆́кѡ ты̀ сотвори́лъ є҆сѝ: приве́лъ є҆сѝ де́нь, призва́лъ є҆сѝ вре́мѧ, и҆ бѹ́дѹтъ подо́бни мнѣ̀.

“Look at all their evil deeds, LORD. Punish them, as you have punished me for all my sins. My groans are many, and I am sick at heart.”
Ѳа́ѵъ. Да прїи́детъ всѧ̀ ѕло́ба и҆́хъ пред̾ лицѐ твоѐ, и҆ ѡ҆требѝ и҆̀хъ, ѩ҆́коже сотвори́ша ѡ҆требле́нїе ѡ҆ всѣ́хъ грѣсѣ́хъ мои́хъ, ѩ҆́кѡ мнѡ́га сѹ́ть стєна́нїѧ моѧ҄, и҆ се́рдце моѐ скорби́тъ.

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