2 Chronicles 23 глава

2 Chronicles
King James Bible → Елизаветинская Библия


And in the seventh year Jehoiada strengthened himself, and took the captains of hundreds, Azariah the son of Jeroham, and Ishmael the son of Jehohanan, and Azariah the son of Obed, and Maaseiah the son of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the son of Zichri, into covenant with him.
Въ лѣ́то же седмо́е ѹ҆крѣпи́сѧ ї҆ѡда́й, и҆ взѧ̀ со́тники, а҆за́рїю сы́на ї҆ѡра́млѧ и҆ ї҆сма́ила сы́на ї҆ѡана́нѧ, и҆ а҆за́рїю сы́на ѡ҆ви́дова и҆ а҆масі́ю сы́на а҆ді́ева и҆ є҆лїсафа́на сы́на заха́рїина съ собо́ю въ до́мъ гд҇ень.

And they went about in Judah, and gathered the Levites out of all the cities of Judah, and the chief of the fathers of Israel, and they came to Jerusalem.
И҆ ѡ҆быдо́ша ї҆ѹде́ю, и҆ собра́ша леѵі́ты ѿ всѣ́хъ градѡ́въ ї҆ѹ́диныхъ и҆ нача́лники ѻ҆те́чествъ ї҆и҃левыхъ, и҆ прїидо́ша во ї҆ер҇ли́мъ.

And all the congregation made a covenant with the king in the house of God. And he said unto them, Behold, the king's son shall reign, as the LORD hath said of the sons of David.
И҆ завѣща̀ всѐ собра́нїе ї҆ѹ́дино завѣ́тъ въ домѹ̀ бж҃їи со царе́мъ: и҆ показа̀ и҆̀мъ сы́на царе́ва и҆ речѐ и҆̀мъ (ї҆ѡда́й): сѐ, сы́нъ царе́въ да воцари́тсѧ, ѩ҆́коже гл҃а гд҇ь ѡ҆ до́мѣ даві́довѣ:

This is the thing that ye shall do; A third part of you entering on the sabbath, of the priests and of the Levites, shall be porters of the doors;
и҆ нн҃ѣ сло́во сїѐ, є҆́же сотворитѐ: тре́тїѧ ча́сть ѿ ва́съ да и҆зы́детъ въ сѹббѡ́тѹ, свѧще́нникѡвъ и҆ леѵі́тѡвъ, и҆ во врата̀ вхо́дѡвъ,

And a third part shall be at the king's house; and a third part at the gate of the foundation: and all the people shall be in the courts of the house of the LORD.
и҆ тре́тїѧ ча́сть въ домѹ̀ царе́вѣ, и҆ тре́тїѧ ча́сть во вратѣ́хъ сре́днихъ, и҆ всѝ лю́дїе (да бѹ́дѹтъ) во дво́рѣхъ до́мѹ гд҇нѧ:

But let none come into the house of the LORD, save the priests, and they that minister of the Levites; they shall go in, for they are holy: but all the people shall keep the watch of the LORD.
и҆ никто́же да вни́детъ въ до́мъ гд҇ень, то́кмѡ свѧще́нницы и҆ леѵі́ти и҆ и҆̀же слѹ́жатъ ѿ леѵї҄тъ: ті́и вни́дѹтъ, ѩ҆́кѡ ѡ҆свѧще́ни сѹ́ть, вси́ же лю́дїе да держа́тъ стра́жѹ гд҇ню:

And the Levites shall compass the king round about, every man with his weapons in his hand; and whosoever else cometh into the house, he shall be put to death: but be ye with the king when he cometh in, and when he goeth out.
леѵі́ти же да хо́дѧтъ ѡ҆́крестъ царѧ̀, кі́йждо и҆мѣ́ѧ ѻ҆рѹ́жїе своѐ въ рѹкѹ̀ своє́ю, и҆ входѧ́й въ це́рковъ да ѹ҆бїе́тсѧ, и҆ да бѹ́дѹтъ со царе́мъ, входѧ́щѹ є҆мѹ̀ и҆ и҆сходѧ́щѹ.

So the Levites and all Judah did according to all things that Jehoiada the priest had commanded, and took every man his men that were to come in on the sabbath, with them that were to go out on the sabbath: for Jehoiada the priest dismissed not the courses.
И҆ сотвори́ша леѵі́ти и҆ ве́сь ї҆ѹ́да по всемѹ̀, є҆ли҄ка повелѣ̀ и҆̀мъ ї҆ѡда́й жре́цъ: и҆ взѧ́ша кі́йждо мѹ́жы своѧ҄ ѿ нача́ла сѹббѡ́ты да́же до и҆схо́да сѹббѡ́ты: зане́же не ѡ҆ста́ви ї҆ѡда́й жре́цъ слѹ҄жбы днєвны́ѧ.

Moreover Jehoiada the priest delivered to the captains of hundreds spears, and bucklers, and shields, that had been king David's, which were in the house of God.
И҆ дадѐ ї҆ѡда́й свѧще́нникъ со́тникѡмъ по чи́нѹ поста́влєннымъ мечы̀ и҆ щиты̀ и҆ бронѧ҄, ѩ҆̀же бѧ́хѹ царѧ̀ даві́да въ домѹ̀ бж҃їи,

And he set all the people, every man having his weapon in his hand, from the right side of the temple to the left side of the temple, along by the altar and the temple, by the king round about.
и҆ поста́ви всѧ҄ лю́ди, коего́ждо во ѻ҆рѹ́жїи є҆гѡ̀, ѿ десны́ѧ страны̀ це́ркве да́же до лѣ́выѧ страны̀ ѻ҆лтарѧ̀ и҆ це́ркве, над̾ царе́мъ ѡ҆́крестъ:

Then they brought out the king's son, and put upon him the crown, and gave him the testimony, and made him king. And Jehoiada and his sons anointed him, and said, God save the king.
и҆ и҆зведѐ сы́на царе́ва, и҆ возложи́ша на него̀ дїади́мѹ и҆ свидѣ҄нїѧ, и҆ поста́виша є҆го̀ царе́мъ, и҆ пома́за є҆го̀ ї҆ѡда́й жре́цъ и҆ сы́нове є҆гѡ̀ и҆ реко́ша да живе́тъ ца́рь.

Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the king, she came to the people into the house of the LORD:
И҆ ѹ҆слы́ша гоѳолі́а гла́съ люді́й текѹ́щихъ и҆ и҆сповѣ́дающихъ и҆ хва́лѧщихъ царѧ̀, и҆ вни́де ко царю̀ въ це́рковь гд҇ню,

And she looked, and, behold, the king stood at his pillar at the entering in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king: and all the people of the land rejoiced, and sounded with trumpets, also the singers with instruments of musick, and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, Treason, Treason.
и҆ ви́дѣ, и҆ сѐ, ца́рь стоѧ́ше на степе́ни свое́мъ, на вхо́дѣ же кнѧ҄зи и҆ трѹбы҄, и҆ нача҄лницы ѡ҆́крестъ царѧ̀: и҆ всѝ лю́дїе землѝ возра́довашасѧ и҆ вострѹби́ша трѹба́ми, и҆ пою́ще во ѻ҆рга́ны пѣвцы̀, и҆ хва́лѧще хвало́ю. И҆ растерза̀ гоѳолі́а ри҄зы своѧ҄, и҆ возопѝ и҆ речѐ: напа́дающе напа́даете.

Then Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds that were set over the host, and said unto them, Have her forth of the ranges: and whoso followeth her, let him be slain with the sword. For the priest said, Slay her not in the house of the LORD.
И҆зы́де же ї҆ѡда́й а҆рхїере́й, и҆ повелѣ̀ со́тникѡмъ и҆ нача́лникѡмъ си́лы и҆ речѐ и҆̀мъ: и҆зри́ните ю҆̀ во́нъ и҆з̾ це́ркве, и҆ и҆зыди́те в̾слѣ́дъ є҆ѧ̀, и҆ да ѹ҆бїе́тсѧ мече́мъ. Рече́ бо свѧще́нникъ да не ѹ҆́мретъ въ домѹ̀ гд҇ни.

So they laid hands on her; and when she was come to the entering of the horse gate by the king's house, they slew her there.
И҆ да́ша є҆́й ѡ҆сла́бѹ на ма́ло, до́ндеже про́йде врата̀ кѡ́нникъ до́мѹ царе́ва и҆ ѹ҆би́ша ю҆̀ та́мѡ.

And Jehoiada made a covenant between him, and between all the people, and between the king, that they should be the LORD'S people.
И҆ завѣща̀ ї҆ѡда́й завѣ́тъ междѹ̀ собо́ю и҆ всѣ́ми людьмѝ и҆ царе́мъ, да бы́ша бы́ли лю́дїе гд҇ни.

Then all the people went to the house of Baal, and brake it down, and brake his altars and his images in pieces, and slew Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.
И҆ внидо́ша всѝ лю́дїе землѝ въ до́мъ ваа́ловъ и҆ разори́ша є҆го̀, и҆ ѻ҆лтари҄ є҆гѡ̀ и҆ їдѡлы є҆гѡ̀ сокрѹши́ша, и҆ матѳа́на жерца̀ ваа́лова ѹ҆би́ша пред̾ ѻ҆лтаре́мъ є҆гѡ̀.

Also Jehoiada appointed the offices of the house of the LORD by the hand of the priests the Levites, whom David had distributed in the house of the LORD, to offer the burnt offerings of the LORD, as it is written in the law of Moses, with rejoicing and with singing, as it was ordained by David.
И҆ врѹчѝ ї҆ѡда́й жре́цъ дѣла̀ до́мѹ гд҇нѧ въ рѹкѹ̀ свѧще́нникѡвъ и҆ леѵі́тѡвъ, и҆ возста́ви днєвны́ѧ чрєды̀ жерцє́въ и҆ леѵі́тѡвъ, ѩ҆̀же раздѣлѝ даві́дѣ въ домѹ̀ гд҇ни, и҆ вознесѐ всесожжє́нїѧ гд҇еви, ѩ҆́коже пи́сано є҆́сть въ зако́нѣ мѡѷсе́овѣ, въ ра́дости и҆ пѣ́нїихъ по расположе́нїю даві́довѹ:

And he set the porters at the gates of the house of the LORD, that none which was unclean in any thing should enter in.
и҆ поста́ви придве́рники во вратѣ́хъ до́мѹ гд҇нѧ, и҆ да не вни́детъ нечи́стъ во всѧ́цѣй ве́щи:

And he took the captains of hundreds, and the nobles, and the governors of the people, and all the people of the land, and brought down the king from the house of the LORD: and they came through the high gate into the king's house, and set the king upon the throne of the kingdom.
и҆ взѧ̀ ѻ҆те́чествъ нача́лники, и҆ си́льныѧ, и҆ нача́лники люді́й, и҆ всѧ҄ лю́ди землѝ, и҆ возведо́ша царѧ̀ ѿ до́мѹ гд҇нѧ, и҆ вни́де врата́ми внѹ́тренними въ до́мъ царе́въ, и҆ посади́ша царѧ̀ на престо́лѣ ца́рстѣмъ.

And all the people of the land rejoiced: and the city was quiet, after that they had slain Athaliah with the sword.
И҆ возвесели́шасѧ всѝ лю́дїе зе́мстїи и҆ гра́дъ ѹ҆поко́исѧ, и҆ гоѳолі́а ѹ҆бїе́на є҆́сть мече́мъ.

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