2 Chronicles 3 глава

2 Chronicles
King James Bible → Елизаветинская Библия


Then Solomon began to build the house of the LORD at Jerusalem in mount Moriah, where the LORD appeared unto David his father, in the place that David had prepared in the threshingfloor of Ornan the Jebusite.
И҆ нача̀ соломѡ́нъ созида́ти до́мъ гд҇ень во ї҆ер҇ли́мѣ, на горѣ̀ а҆мѡрі́а, на мѣ́стѣ, є҆́же ѹ҆гото́ва даві́дъ на гѹмнѣ̀ ѻ҆́рны ї҆евѹсе́анина:

And he began to build in the second day of the second month, in the fourth year of his reign.
нача́ же созида́ти въ мц҇ъ вторы́й лѣ́та четве́ртагѡ ца́рства своегѡ̀.

Now these are the things wherein Solomon was instructed for the building of the house of God. The length by cubits after the first measure was threescore cubits, and the breadth twenty cubits.
И҆ си́це нача̀ соломѡ́нъ созида́ти до́мъ бж҃їй: въ долготѹ̀ лакѡ́тъ, размѣ́ръ пе́рвый, лакѡ́тъ шестьдесѧ́тъ, въ широтѹ́ же лакѡ́тъ два́десѧть:

And the porch that was in the front of the house, the length of it was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the height was an hundred and twenty: and he overlaid it within with pure gold.
и҆ притво́ръ пред̾ лице́мъ до́мѹ, долгота̀ по лицѹ̀ широты̀ до́мѹ, лакѡ́тъ два́десѧть, высота́ же лакѡ́тъ сто̀ два́десѧть и҆ позлатѝ є҆го̀ внѹ́трь зла́томъ чи́стымъ.

And the greater house he cieled with fir tree, which he overlaid with fine gold, and set thereon palm trees and chains.
До́мъ же вели́кїй ѡ҆кры̀ дска́ми ке́дровыми и҆ позлатѝ зла́томъ чи́стымъ: и҆зваѧ́ же на не́мъ подѡ́бїѧ фі́нїкѡвъ и҆ ѩ҆́кѡ мрє́жицы проме́жь себє̀ сплета́ющѧсѧ,

And he garnished the house with precious stones for beauty: and the gold was gold of Parvaim.
и҆ ѹ҆красѝ хра́мъ ка́менїемъ драги́мъ сла́внѡ, и҆ позлатѝ зла́томъ, є҆́же ѿ фарѹі́ма .

He overlaid also the house, the beams, the posts, and the walls thereof, and the doors thereof, with gold; and graved cherubims on the walls.
И҆ позлатѝ до́мъ и҆ стѣ́ны є҆гѡ̀, и҆ врата̀ и҆ пра́ги, и҆ ѻ҆́кна и҆ двє́ри зла́томъ, и҆ и҆зваѧ̀ херѹві́мы на стѣна́хъ.

And he made the most holy house, the length whereof was according to the breadth of the house, twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits: and he overlaid it with fine gold, amounting to six hundred talents.
Сотвори́ же до́мъ ст҃а҄ѧ ст҃ы́хъ, долгота̀ є҆гѡ̀ по лицѹ̀ широты̀ до́мѹ, лакѡ́тъ два́десѧть, широта̀ та́кожде два́десѧть лакѡ́тъ, и҆ позлатѝ и҆̀ зла́томъ чи́стымъ на херѹві́мѣхъ, тала҄нтъ ше́сть сѡ́тъ.

And the weight of the nails was fifty shekels of gold. And he overlaid the upper chambers with gold.
И҆ вѣ́съ гвозді́й, вѣ́съ гво́здѧ є҆ди́нагѡ пѧтьдесѧ́тъ сї҄кль зла́та, и҆ го́рницѹ позлатѝ зла́томъ.

And in the most holy house he made two cherubims of image work, and overlaid them with gold.
И҆ сотворѝ въ домѹ̀ ст҃а҄ѧ ст҃ы́хъ херѹвї҄ма два̀, дѣ́ло ѿ дре́въ негнїю́шихъ и҆ позлатѝ и҆̀хъ зла́томъ.

And the wings of the cherubims were twenty cubits long: one wing of the one cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was likewise five cubits, reaching to the wing of the other cherub.
И҆ крилѣ҄ херѹві́мѡвъ, долгота̀ два́десѧть лакѡ́тъ, и҆ є҆ди́но крило̀ лакѡ́тъ пѧтѝ, прикаса́ющеесѧ стѣнѣ̀ до́мѹ,

And one wing of the other cherub was five cubits, reaching to the wall of the house: and the other wing was five cubits also, joining to the wing of the other cherub.
и҆ дрѹго́е крило̀ пѧтѝ лакѡ́тъ, прикаса́ющеесѧ крилѹ̀ херѹві́ма дрѹга́гѡ:

The wings of these cherubims spread themselves forth twenty cubits: and they stood on their feet, and their faces were inward.
крилѣ҄ же херѹві́мѡвъ си́хъ распростє́ртѣ на лакѡ́тъ два́десѧть, ті́и же стоѧ́хѹ на но́зѣхъ свои́хъ, ли́ца же и҆́хъ (зрѧ́ще) къ до́мѹ.

And he made the vail of blue, and purple, and crimson, and fine linen, and wrought cherubims thereon.
Сотвори́ же завѣ́сѹ ѿ синеты̀ и҆ багрѧни́цы, и҆ червлени́цы и҆ вѷссо́на, и҆ сотка̀ на не́й херѹві́мы.

Also he made before the house two pillars of thirty and five cubits high, and the chapiter that was on the top of each of them was five cubits.
И҆ сотворѝ пред̾ хра́момъ стѡлпа̀ два̀, лакѡ́тъ три́десѧть пѧ́ть въ высотѹ̀, и҆ главы҄ и҆́хъ пѧ́ть лакѡ́тъ.

And he made chains, as in the oracle, and put them on the heads of the pillars; and made an hundred pomegranates, and put them on the chains.
И҆ сотворѝ чє́пи въ даві́рѣ и҆ положѝ на глава́хъ столпѡ́въ, и҆ ши́пкѡвъ сотворѝ сто̀, и҆̀хже положѝ на мрє́жи.

And he reared up the pillars before the temple, one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and called the name of that on the right hand Jachin, and the name of that on the left Boaz.
И҆ поста́ви столпы̀ пред̾ лице́мъ хра́ма, є҆ди́наго ѡ҆деснѹ́ю, а҆ дрѹга́го ѡ҆шѹ́юю: и҆ наречѐ и҆́мѧ сѹ́щемѹ ѡ҆деснѹ́ю и҆справле́нїе, и҆́мѧ же сѹ́щемѹ ѡ҆шѹ́юю крѣ́пость.

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