Revelation 11 глава

New Living Translation → Елизаветинская на русском


Then I was given a measuring stick, and I was told, “Go and measure the Temple of God and the altar, and count the number of worshipers.
И дана ми бысть трость подобна жезлу, глаголя: востани и измери церковь Божию и олтарь, и кланяющыяся в ней:

But do not measure the outer courtyard, for it has been turned over to the nations. They will trample the holy city for 42 months.
а двор сущий внутрь Церкве изнеси внеуду, ниже измери его, зане дан бысть языком: и град святый поперут четыредесять и два месяцы.

And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will be clothed in burlap and will prophesy during those 1,260 days.”
И дам обема свидетелема моима, и прорицати будут дний тысящу двесте и шестьдесят, оболчена во вретище.

These two prophets are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of all the earth.
Сии суть две маслицы и два свещника пред Богом земли стояща.

If anyone tries to harm them, fire flashes from their mouths and consumes their enemies. This is how anyone who tries to harm them must die.
И иже им неправду сотворит, огнь исходит из уст их и пояст враги их: и иже восхощет обидети их, сему подобает убиену быти.

They have power to shut the sky so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy. And they have the power to turn the rivers and oceans into blood, and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish.
И сии имут область затворити небо, да не снидет дождь (на землю) во дни прорицания их, и область имут на водах, обращати я в кровь и поразити землю всякою язвою, елижды аще восхощут.

When they complete their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the bottomless pita will declare war against them, and he will conquer them and kill them.
И егда скончают свидетелство свое, зверь, иже исходит от бездны, сотворит с ними брань и победит их и убиет я,

And their bodies will lie in the main street of Jerusalem,b the city that is figuratively called “Sodom” and “Egypt,” the city where their Lord was crucified.
и трупы их оставит на стогнах града великаго, иже нарицается духовне содом и египет, идеже и Господь наш распят бысть.

And for three and a half days, all peoples, tribes, languages, and nations will stare at their bodies. No one will be allowed to bury them.
И зрети имут от людий и племен, и от язык и колен, телеса их дни три и пол, и трупы их не оставят положити во гробех.

All the people who belong to this world will gloat over them and give presents to each other to celebrate the death of the two prophets who had tormented them.
И живущии на земли возрадуются и возвеселятся о них, и дары послют друг ко другу, яко оба сия пророка мучиста живущыя на земли.

But after three and a half days, God breathed life into them, and they stood up! Terror struck all who were staring at them.
И по триех днех и пол, дух животен внидет в ня от Бога, и станут (оба) на ногах своих: и страх велий нападет на зрящих их.

Then a loud voice from heaven called to the two prophets, “Come up here!” And they rose to heaven in a cloud as their enemies watched.
И услышат глас велий с небесе, глаголющь им: взыдита семо. И взыдоста на небо на облацех, и видеша я врази их.

At the same time there was a terrible earthquake that destroyed a tenth of the city. Seven thousand people died in that earthquake, and everyone else was terrified and gave glory to the God of heaven.
И в час той трус бысть велий, и десятая часть града паде, и погибе трусом имен человеческих седмь тысящ: и прочии пристрашни быша и даша славу Богу небесному.

The second terror is past, but look, the third terror is coming quickly.
Горе второе отиде: се, горе третие грядет скоро.

Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: “The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ,c and he will reign forever and ever.”
И седмый ангел воструби, и быша гласи велицы на небесех, глаголюще: бысть Царство мира Господа нашего и Христа его, и воцарится во веки веков.

The twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell with their faces to the ground and worshiped him.
И двадесять и четыри старцы, пред Богом седящии на престолех своих, падоша на лица своя и поклонишася Богу,

And they said, “We give thanks to you, Lord God, the Almighty, the one who is and who always was, for now you have assumed your great power and have begun to reign.
глаголюще: хвалим тя, Господи Боже вседержителю, иже сый и бе и грядый, яко приял еси силу твою великую и воцарился еси:

The nations were filled with wrath, but now the time of your wrath has come. It is time to judge the dead and reward your servants the prophets, as well as your holy people, and all who fear your name, from the least to the greatest. It is time to destroy all who have caused destruction on the earth.”
и языцы прогневашася: и прииде гнев твой, и время мертвым суд прияти, и дати мзду рабом твоим пророком и святым и боящымся имене твоего, малым и великим, и растлити посмраждшыя землю.

Then, in heaven, the Temple of God was opened and the Ark of his covenant could be seen inside the Temple. Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and roared, and there was an earthquake and a terrible hailstorm.
И отверзеся храм Божий на небеси, и явися кивот завета его в храме его: и быша блистания и гласи, и громи и трус, и град велик.

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