1 Samuel 4 глава

New Living Translation → Елизаветинская на русском


And Samuel’s words went out to all the people of Israel.
И бысть во дни оны, и собрашася иноплеменницы противу израиля на брань: и изыде израиль во сретение им на брань, и ополчишася во авенезере, и иноплеменницы ополчишася во афеце:

The Philistines attacked and defeated the army of Israel, killing 4,000 men.
и сразишася иноплеменницы на брани со израилтяны, и преклонися брань, и падоша мужие израилевы пред иноплеменники, и убиени быша в брани на селе четыри тысящы мужей.

After the battle was over, the troops retreated to their camp, and the elders of Israel asked, “Why did the LORD allow us to be defeated by the Philistines?” Then they said, “Let’s bring the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD from Shiloh. If we carry it into battle with us, ita will save us from our enemies.”
И приидоша людие в полк, и реша старейшины израилевы: почто порази нас Господь днесь пред иноплеменники? возмем кивот Бога нашего от силома, и изыдет посреде нас и спасет ны от руки враг наших.

So they sent men to Shiloh to bring the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD of Heaven’s Armies, who is enthroned between the cherubim. Hophni and Phinehas, the sons of Eli, were also there with the Ark of the Covenant of God.
И послаша людие в силом, и взяша оттуду кивот Господа седящаго на херувимех: и (быша) тамо оба сына илиина с кивотом Божиим, офни и финеес.

When all the Israelites saw the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD coming into the camp, their shout of joy was so loud it made the ground shake!
И бысть егда прииде кивот Господень в полк, и возопи весь израиль гласом великим, и возшуме земля.

“What’s going on?” the Philistines asked. “What’s all the shouting about in the Hebrew camp?” When they were told it was because the Ark of the LORD had arrived,
И услышаша иноплеменницы глас вопля и реша: что сей вопль великий в полце еврейсте? И уразумеша, яко кивот Господень прииде в полк.

they panicked. “The gods haveb come into their camp!” they cried. “This is a disaster! We have never had to face anything like this before!
И убояшася иноплеменницы и реша: сии бози приидоша к ним в полк: горе нам, изми ны, господи, днесь: яко не бысть тако вчера и третияго дне:

Help! Who can save us from these mighty gods of Israel? They are the same gods who destroyed the Egyptians with plagues when Israel was in the wilderness.
горе нам, кто ны измет от руки богов крепких сих? сии суть бози, побившии египта всякими язвами и в пустыни:

Fight as never before, Philistines! If you don’t, we will become the Hebrews’ slaves just as they have been ours! Stand up like men and fight!”
укрепитеся и будите в мужы, иноплеменницы, яко да не поработаете евреом, якоже поработаша нам, будите убо в мужы и бийтеся с ними.

So the Philistines fought desperately, and Israel was defeated again. The slaughter was great; 30,000 Israelite soldiers died that day. The survivors turned and fled to their tents.
И бишася с ними: и падоша мужие израилевы пред иноплеменники, и побеже кийждо в селение свое, и бысть язва велика зело: и паде от израиля тридесять тысящ чинов:

The Ark of God was captured, and Hophni and Phinehas, the two sons of Eli, were killed.
и кивот Божий взят бысть, и оба сыны илиины умроша, офни и финеес.

A man from the tribe of Benjamin ran from the battlefield and arrived at Shiloh later that same day. He had torn his clothes and put dust on his head to show his grief.
И тече муж от брани иеминей, и прииде в силом в день он, и ризы своя растерзав, и персть бе на главе его.

Eli was waiting beside the road to hear the news of the battle, for his heart trembled for the safety of the Ark of God. When the messenger arrived and told what had happened, an outcry resounded throughout the town.
И прииде, и се, илий седяше на престоле своем у дверий, смотря на путь, яко бе сердце его во ужасе (велице) о кивоте Божии. И человек вниде во град возвещая: и возопи весь град гласом великим:

“What is all the noise about?” Eli asked. The messenger rushed over to Eli,
и слыша илий глас вопля и рече: что есть глас вопля сего? И человек потщався вниде и поведа илию.

who was ninety-eight years old and blind.
И бе илий девятидесяти осми лет, и очи его изнемогоста, и не видяше.

He said to Eli, “I have just come from the battlefield — I was there this very day.” “What happened, my son?” Eli demanded.
И рече илий мужем предстоящым себе: что глас вопля сего? И муж потщався вниде ко илию и рече ему: аз есмь пришедый из полка, и аз прибежах от брани днесь. И рече илий: что бывший глагол, чадо?

“Israel has been defeated by the Philistines,” the messenger replied. “The people have been slaughtered, and your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, were also killed. And the Ark of God has been captured.”
И отвеща отрочищь и рече: побежаша мужие израилевы от лица иноплеменников, и язва велия бысть в людех, и оба сыны твоя умроша, и кивот Божий взят есть.

When the messenger mentioned what had happened to the Ark of God, Eli fell backward from his seat beside the gate. He broke his neck and died, for he was old and overweight. He had been Israel’s judge for forty years.
И бысть егда помяну о кивоте Божии, и паде (илий) с престола взнак близ дверий, и сокрушися хребет его, и умре, яко стар бе человек и тяжек: и той суди израилеви четыредесять лет.

Eli’s daughter-in-law, the wife of Phinehas, was pregnant and near her time of delivery. When she heard that the Ark of God had been captured and that her father-in-law and husband were dead, she went into labor and gave birth.
И сноха его жена финеесова заченшая родити, и слыша весть, яко взят бысть кивот Божий и яко умре свекор ея и муж ея, и восплакася (горько), и роди, яко обратишася на ню болезни ея.

She died in childbirth, but before she passed away the midwives tried to encourage her. “Don’t be afraid,” they said. “You have a baby boy!” But she did not answer or pay attention to them.
И во время, внегда умираше, реша ей жены предстоящыя ей: не бойся, яко сына родила еси. И не отвеща, и не разуме сердце ея.

She named the child Ichabod (which means “Where is the glory?”), for she said, “Israel’s glory is gone.” She named him this because the Ark of God had been captured and because her father-in-law and husband were dead.
И нарече отрочища уехавоф: и реша о кивоте Божии и о свекре ея и о мужи ея: преселися слава от израиля, яко взятся кивот Господень, и яко умре свекор ея и муж ея.

Then she said, “The glory has departed from Israel, for the Ark of God has been captured.”
И рече: преселися слава израилева, яко взят бысть кивот Божий.

2007–2024. Сделано с любовью для любящих и ищущих Бога. Если у вас есть вопросы или пожелания, то пишите нам: bible-man@mail.ru.