Job 5 глава

English Standard Version → Елизаветинская Библия


“Call now; is there anyone who will answer you? To which of the holy ones will you turn?
Призови́ же, а҆́ще кто́ тѧ ѹ҆слы́шитъ, и҆лѝ а҆́ще кого̀ ѿ ст҃ы́хъ а҆́гг҃лъ ѹ҆́зриши.

Surely vexation kills the fool, and jealousy slays the simple.
Безѹ́мнаго бо ѹ҆бива́етъ гнѣ́въ, заблѹ́ждшаго же ѹ҆мерщвлѧ́етъ рве́нїе.

I have seen the fool taking root, but suddenly I cursed his dwelling.
А҆́зъ же ви́дѣхъ безѹ́мныхъ ѹ҆коренѧ́ющихсѧ, но а҆́бїе поѧде́но бы́сть и҆́хъ жили́ще.

His children are far from safety; they are crushed in the gate, and there is no one to deliver them.
Дале́че да бѹ́дѹтъ сы́нове и҆́хъ ѿ спасе́нїѧ, и҆ да сотрѹ́тсѧ при две́рехъ хѹ́ждшихъ, и҆ не бѹ́детъ и҆з̾има́ѧй.

The hungry eat his harvest, and he takes it even out of thorns,a and the thirsty pantb after hisc wealth.
ѩ҆̀же бо ѻ҆нѝ собра́ша, првдницы поѧдѧ́тъ, са́ми же ѿ ѕѡ́лъ не и҆з̾ѧ́ти бѹ́дѹтъ: и҆зможде́нна бѹ́ди крѣ́пость и҆́хъ.

For affliction does not come from the dust, nor does trouble sprout from the ground,
Не и҆́мать бо ѿ землѝ и҆зы́ти трѹ́дъ, ни ѿ го́ръ прозѧ́бнѹти болѣ́знь:

but man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.
но человѣ́къ ражда́етсѧ на трѹ́дъ, птенцы́ же сѹ́пѡвы высо́кѡ парѧ́тъ.

“As for me, I would seek God, and to God would I commit my cause,
Ѻ҆ба́че же а҆́зъ помолю́сѧ бг҃ови, гд҇а же всѣ́хъ влдкѹ призовѹ̀,

who does great things and unsearchable, marvelous things without number:
творѧ́щаго вє́лїѧ и҆ неизслѣ҄димаѧ, сла҄внаѧ же и҆ и҆зрѧ҄днаѧ, и҆̀мже нѣ́сть числа̀:

he gives rain on the earth and sends waters on the fields;
даю́щаго до́ждь на зе́млю, посыла́ющаго во́дѹ на поднебе́снѹю:

he sets on high those who are lowly, and those who mourn are lifted to safety.
возносѧ́щаго смирє́нныѧ на высотѹ̀ и҆ поги́бшыѧ воздвиза́ющаго во спасе́нїе:

He frustrates the devices of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success.
расточа́ющаго совѣ́ты лѹка́выхъ, да не сотворѧ́тъ рѹ́цѣ и҆́хъ и҆́стины.

He catches the wise in their own craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are brought to a quick end.
Ѹ҆ловлѧ́ѧй премѹ́дрыхъ въ мѹ́дрости и҆́хъ, совѣ́тъ же кова́рныхъ разорѝ.

They meet with darkness in the daytime and grope at noonday as in the night.
Во днѝ ѡ҆бы́метъ и҆̀хъ тма̀, въ полѹ́дне же да ѡ҆сѧ́жѹтъ ѩ҆́коже въ нощѝ,

But he saves the needy from the sword of their mouth and from the hand of the mighty.
и҆ да поги́бнѹтъ на бра́ни: немощны́й же да и҆зы́детъ и҆з̾ рѹкѝ си́льнагѡ.

So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts her mouth.
Бѹ́ди же немощно́мѹ наде́жда, непра́веднагѡ же ѹ҆ста̀ да заградѧ́тсѧ.

“Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves; therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty.
Блаже́нъ же человѣ́къ, є҆го́же ѡ҆бличѝ бг҃ъ, наказа́нїѧ же вседержи́телева не ѿвраща́йсѧ:

For he wounds, but he binds up; he shatters, but his hands heal.
то́й бо болѣ́ти твори́тъ и҆ па́ки возставлѧ́етъ: поразѝ, и҆ рѹ́цѣ є҆гѡ̀ и҆зцѣлѧ́тъ:

He will deliver you from six troubles; in seven no evild shall touch you.
шести́жды ѿ бѣ́дъ и҆́зметъ тѧ̀, въ седмѣ́мъ же не ко́снеттисѧ ѕло̀:

In famine he will redeem you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.
во гла́дѣ и҆зба́витъ тѧ̀ ѿ сме́рти, на бра́ни же и҆з̾ рѹкѝ желѣ́за и҆зрѣши́тъ тѧ̀:

You shall be hidden from the lash of the tongue, and shall not fear destruction when it comes.
ѿ бича̀ ѧ҆зы́ка скры́етъ тѧ̀, и҆ не ѹ҆бои́шисѧ ѿ ѕѡ́лъ находѧ́щихъ:

At destruction and famine you shall laugh, and shall not fear the beasts of the earth.
непра́вєднымъ и҆ беззакѡ́ннымъ посмѣе́шисѧ, ѿ ди́вїихъ же ѕвѣре́й не ѹ҆бои́шисѧ,

For you shall be in league with the stones of the field, and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.
занѐ съ ка́менїемъ ди́вїимъ завѣ́тъ тво́й: ѕвѣ́рїе бо ди́вїи примирѧ́тсѧ тебѣ̀.

You shall know that your tent is at peace, and you shall inspect your fold and miss nothing.
Пото́мъ ѹ҆разѹмѣ́еши, ѩ҆́кѡ въ ми́рѣ бѹ́детъ до́мъ тво́й, жили́ще же хра́мины твоеѧ̀ не и҆́мать согрѣши́ти:

You shall know also that your offspring shall be many, and your descendants as the grass of the earth.
ѹ҆разѹмѣ́еши же, ѩ҆́кѡ мно́го сѣ́мѧ твоѐ, и҆ ча҄да твоѧ҄ бѹ́дѹтъ ѩ҆́кѡ ве́сь ѕла́къ се́лный:

You shall come to your grave in ripe old age, like a sheaf gathered up in its season.
вни́деши же во гро́бъ ѩ҆́коже пшени́ца созрѣ́лаѧ во вре́мѧ пожа́таѧ, и҆лѝ ѩ҆́коже сто́гъ гѹмна̀ во вре́мѧ свезе́нный.

Behold, this we have searched out; it is true. Hear, and know it for your good.”e
Сѐ, сїѧ҄ си́це и҆зслѣ́дихомъ: сїѧ҄ сѹ́ть, ѩ҆̀же слы́шахомъ: ты́ же разѹмѣ́й себѣ̀, а҆́ще что̀ сотвори́лъ є҆сѝ.

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